Across the world, a growing number of community networks, municipal networks and social enterprises are successfully connecting those who have historically been unserved or underserved by traditional internet service providers. The “Financing mechanisms for locally owned internet infrastructure” report analyses the operating models and financing mechanisms that can support the success of these community connectivity providers (CCPs). While these community connectivity providers are building solutions to the persistent digital divide, almost all of them struggle to access capital. This publication presents an overview of various network models while giving a deep look at how they can be financed sustainably to provide reliable, affordable internet to communities. It is designed to help those who build and fund broadband infrastructure to identify and support sustainable solutions that can expand connectivity and accelerate digital equity. The report explores: – The state of global internet access and how community connectivity providers (CCPs) can expand broadband access. – The economics and the unique challenges of operating CCPs. – Options for ownership and operating models, with case studies of successful networks. – Finance mechanisms to sustainably fund community connectivity providers. – Recommendations for policy makers, funders, and network builders to support the ecosystem.


APC, Connect Humanity, Connectivity Capital e Internet Society

Ano de publicação


País / Região de foco


É necessário conhecimento prévio, mas não especializado, para sua compreensão

Tipo de rede

Rede baseada na comunidade

Tipo de licença

CC BY 4.0

Tipo de item




Assunto específico - Social

Modelos organizacionais e de negócios

Assunto específico - Técnico


Assunto específico - Econômico

Sustentabilidade e escalabilidade

Assunto específico - Regulamentação


Perspectiva de gênero


Acessível a pessoas com deficiências visuais ou auditivas


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