This article addresses the sustainability of Community Networks (CNs) in rural areas of the Global South, where they seek to compensate for the lack of telecommunications services in low-resource areas. The study, conducted in six cases in Africa, Asia and Latin America, reveals that CNs often have male biases in their governance and technological culture, despite the fact that rural populations in these countries are largely composed of women. It was found that women are less likely to use the services of NCs and to be paid for their work in them. The article highlights the importance of considering the different perspectives and approaches of women to maintain the sustainability of NCs.


Nicola J. Bidwell

Ano de publicação


País / Região de foco

Sul Global


Aborda elementos básicos do assunto, sem necessidade de conhecimento prévio


Tipo de rede

Rede baseada na comunidade

Tipo de licença

​Copyright held by the owner/author(s) ​

Tipo de item




Assunto específico - Social

Inclusão e liderança de gênero

Assunto específico - Técnico


Assunto específico - Econômico

Sustainability & Scalability

Assunto específico - Regulamentação

Estruturas legais

Perspectiva de gênero


Acessível a pessoas com deficiências visuais ou auditivas


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