The introductory chapters of this resource provide useful overviews of CN ideas and technologies, diving into networking and spectrum basics, as well as open source hardware and software. Chapter 6 provides a valuable insights and strategies for scaling CNs. The resource then quickly jumps to more advanced and specialized subject on legal frameworks and community currencies. More: The solutions and experiences presented are an inspiring and transparent guide to how communities wishing to undertake this digital inclusion mechanism can organize themselves to this end. The terms presented in the handbook deal with how to build Community Networks and how to make Community Networks scalable, sustainable and legally based. The Manual serves as the basis for starting the creation of a Business Plan that will analyze the best way of implementing the networks in the community and, more importantly, the viability and sustainability of the chosen technological solution.


Belli, Luca; et al.

Ano de publicação


País / Região de foco



É necessário conhecimento prévio, mas não especializado, para sua compreensão


Tipo de rede

Rede baseada na comunidade

Tipo de licença


Tipo de item

​Document/Report ​



Assunto específico - Social

Project Planning ​

Assunto específico - Técnico

Espectro de rádio e física

Assunto específico - Econômico

Orçamento, contabilidade e faturamento

Assunto específico - Regulamentação

​Legal frameworks ​

Perspectiva de gênero

Acessível a pessoas com deficiências visuais ou auditivas

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