Is a comprehensive resource developed to foster understanding and implementation of community technology projects. This guide covers a wide range of topics, including the principles of digital justice, facilitating community involvement, and developing community-controlled communications networks. It also includes practical activities and discussions on investigating technology, identifying digital justice issues, and understanding digital justice principles. The guide emphasizes the importance of community engagement and collaboration in the design and facilitation of technology projects, offering insights into creating agendas, choosing facilitators, and various discussion formats for community meetings. Additionally, it discusses the role of technology in building resilient communities, with examples of mesh network projects and their impact on local communities. The guide is a valuable resource for anyone interested in leveraging technology to support community development, enhance digital literacy, and promote digital justice.


Detroit Community Technology Project & Open Technology Institute

Year Published


Country / Region of focus



Aborde les éléments de base du sujet, aucune connaissance préalable n'est requise.


Network Type

Réseau communautaire

License Type


Type d'article

Guide de formation



Specific Subject - Social

Technologies et environnement

Specific Subject - Technical

Matériel, outils et infrastructure

Specific Subject - Economic


Specific Subject - Regulatory


Perspective de genre


Accesible to people with visual or hearing impairments


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