Developments in spectrum management for communication services
Spectrum is a limited national resource that enables our digital world. Mobile broadband services rely on these invisible airwaves to function, making
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Spectrum is a limited national resource that enables our digital world. Mobile broadband services rely on these invisible airwaves to function, making
Building more equitable, connected, cohesive and sustainable societies is at the top of policy agendas, but several challenges stand in the way
Nearly half of the world population lacked access to the Internet in 2019, with most of these people living in the rural
The Final Acts of the 2022 Plenipotentiary Conference in Bucharest outline key decisions in the realm of ICT. Delegates from ITU member
Digital technologies are reshaping economies, lifestyles, and social interactions. ICTs serve as the foundation for economic sectors and national growth. The COVID-19
The eighth World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-22) by ITU took place in Kigali, Rwanda, aiming to bridge the digital divide. Attended by
The ITU Secretary-General’s report highlights the Sixth World Telecommunication/ICT Policy Forum 2021 (WTPF-21), established by the ITU to foster global dialogue on
Ante la creciente centralización, privatización y uso no consentido de nuestra data personal en Internet, creemos fundamental comenzar a cuestionarnos la propiedad
El espectro electromagnético abarca todas las ondas electromagnéticas, desde rayos gamma de alta energía hasta ondas de radio de baja energía. El
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