Como usar Pirania? Aprendizados a partir do uso real nas redes comunitárias
Este manual foi escrito a partir da experiência real de instalação do Portal Captivo Pirania em uma rede comunitária no Vale do
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Este manual foi escrito a partir da experiência real de instalação do Portal Captivo Pirania em uma rede comunitária no Vale do
Este manual de uso fue redactado con base en la experiencia real de instalación del portal cautivo Pirania en una red comunitaria
This manual is the result of one of the projects undertaken by the communities of practice (CoPs) supported by the Local Networks
Este manual es una invitación a motivar y fortalecer las economías locales y circulares a partir del reconocimiento de los procesos, recursos
This manual is an invitation to motivate and strengthen local and circular economies based on the recognition of community processes, resources and
This manual is all about building bottom-up infrastructure, specifically an intervention to bootstrap
This manual is the result of one of the projects undertaken by the communities of practice (CoPs) with the support of the
Ce manuel est le résultat de l’un des projets de communautés de pratique (CoP) soutenus par l’initiative Local Networks (LocNet)
Community networks help bridge the connectivity gap. Every network deployed and operated by a community to meet its own connectivity needs is
Sauf indication contraire, le contenu du Dépôt du CN est soumis à une licence de Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
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