The “Bamboo for Community Networks” guide highlights the importance of bamboo to human civilisation, particularly in rural areas, through its many uses. It highlights its vital role in sustainable development, including land regeneration, carbon sequestration and poverty alleviation. As a renewable resource, bamboo offers considerable environmental benefits, capturing more carbon than trees and contributing to “net zero” emissions. The guide promotes the use of bamboo in the construction of green pylons, offering a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional materials such as steel and concrete. It aims to help communities overcome biological and technological constraints to maximise the benefits of bamboo. Based on global experience, the handbook highlights the potential of bamboo to reduce carbon footprints and stimulate economic development in rural areas.


BAIF Fondation pour la recherche sur le développement

Year Published


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Network Type

Réseau communautaire

License Type

​Copyright held by the owner/author(s) ​

Type d'article



Espagnol / Español

Specific Subject - Social

Technologies et environnement

Specific Subject - Technical

Contenu et services locaux

Specific Subject - Economic

Sustainability & Scalability

Specific Subject - Regulatory

Politique et réglementation mondiales

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