“The first part of this report encompasses four analyses defining CNs’ underlying structure and conceptual theory; exploring regulatory barriers; and bringing possible solutions for the main policy, regulatory and gover-nance challenges. The second part of this report explores a wide range of CN examples, stressing the existence of an ongoing CN movement, which is successfully spreading on a global scale”


Belli, Luca ; et al.

Year Published


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Présente des informations destinées aux spécialistes ou à ceux qui ont des connaissances préalables approfondies sur le sujet.


Network Type

Réseau communautaire

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Type d'article

​Document/Report ​



Specific Subject - Social

Modèles d'organisation et d'entreprise

Specific Subject - Technical

​N/A ​

Specific Subject - Economic

Budgétisation, comptabilité et facturation

Specific Subject - Regulatory

​Legal frameworks ​

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