This report explores some of the most significant developments during an action research project implemented with the quilombola residents of Ribeirão Grande/Terra Seca, which aimed at initiating a community network with an organisation of women farmers to help foster their agroecological product sales. The essay begins by contextualizing the quilombos, the actors involved in the project, as well as their political and methodological perspectives. Then it analyses some positive and negative aspects of the project, and reflects on the importance of considering gender, race and colonialism as axes of oppressions present during community network building. The authors share these reflections hoping that it can be useful for other community network activists, advocates and groups when it comes to their technological practices and methodologies in different territories. This project was conducted by Vedetas with funding from APC through the Feminist Internet Research Network (FIRN), supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC).


Bruna Zanolli et Bruna Vasconcellos

Année de publication


Pays / région concerné(e)



Aborde les éléments de base du sujet, aucune connaissance préalable n'est requise.

Type de réseau

Réseau communautaire

Type de licence

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Type d'article




Sujet spécifique - Social

Inclusion du genre et leadership

Sujet spécifique - Technique


Sujet spécifique - Economie

Durabilité et évolutivité

Sujet spécifique - Réglementation


Perspective de genre


Accessible aux personnes souffrant de déficiences visuelles ou auditives


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