This report, created from the Author’s interviews with 30 experts from the continent, includes a useful overview of the factors behind establishing CNs in Africa, technical considerations for starting CNs, local services and technical skills development offered, strategies for sustainability and scaling, and the social, economic, technical barriers for starting and scaling a CN. For those interested in creating a new CN in Africa, or elsewhere, this report provides valuable insights for doing so.


Rey-Moreno, Carlos

Year Published


Country / Region of focus



Aborde les éléments de base du sujet, aucune connaissance préalable n'est requise.


Network Type

Réseau communautaire

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Type d'article

​Document/Report ​



Specific Subject - Social

Modèles d'organisation et d'entreprise

Specific Subject - Technical

Local content and services ​

Specific Subject - Economic

Budgétisation, comptabilité et facturation

Specific Subject - Regulatory

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