Keeping the World Alive: An Alternative Story for Funding Community Networks
This paper analyzes the financing models of Community Networks (CNs) in rural areas of the global south. The author questions the sustainability
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This paper analyzes the financing models of Community Networks (CNs) in rural areas of the global south. The author questions the sustainability
This article examines the discourse around community networks (CNs), which are locally owned and operated telecommunications networks intended to serve rural communities
The paper “Decolonising in the Gaps: Community Networks and the Identity of African Innovation” explores the concept of community networks (CNs) in
The paper “COVID-19 from the Margins. Pandemic Invisibilities, Policies and Resistance in the Datafied Society” examines the impact of the pandemic from
Este sitio ofrece capacitación a personas de comunidades indígenas y rurales en América Latina en la gestión de redes de tecnologías de
The “Electronic Communications Amendment Bill”, aims to fundamentally amend the Electronic Communications Act 2005. This bill proposes a number of amendments that
This document provides a detailed tariff structure associated with different categories of licenses regulated by the Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of
This workshop brings together multidisciplinary researchers and implementers working on infrastructure development and connectivity. It addresses challenges and opportunities at the intersection
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