Komputer dan Perangkat Keras LAN
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Ante la creciente centralización, privatización y uso no consentido de nuestra data personal en Internet, creemos fundamental comenzar a cuestionarnos la propiedad
Field tested practices, methodologies and approaches to regenerating agriculture and associated ecosystems are featured in this compilation . Mostly experiences from across
The OSPIT solar irrigation prototype is powered by a small photovoltaic solar panel of 40 Watt peak power in our current setup.
It’s a compendium of resources and training guides that provides users with principles, concepts and practices on climate-smart agriculture (CSA) and community-based
The FF-ESP32-OpenMPPT/OpenMPPT-HP devices are open-hardware and open-software batterycharge controllers for photovoltaic solar modules with maximum power point tracking (or MPPT, for short).
Bamboo community wifi tower is an opportunity to use the resilience of bamboo (strong as steel and flexible as plastic) to create
This Brazilian prototype to build a self sufficient bamboo structure to empower wireless network is part of the APC and Rhizomatica implementation
The Bamboo Tower Prototype is a cost effective solution to connect the unconnected. BOSCO Uganda with APC came together through a community
In this project, Max Fowler, Arun, and Manoj successfully addressed and resolved Open MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) related issues. The team
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