Enredando territórios de cuidado
As redes comunitárias representam a possibilidade de uma comunidade debater, decidir e instalar sua própria tecnologia de comunicação em rede. As maneiras
Benamkan diri Anda dalam perpustakaan digital pengetahuan kolektif ini!
Gunakan filter yang disertakan dalam alat pencarian untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih tepat.
As redes comunitárias representam a possibilidade de uma comunidade debater, decidir e instalar sua própria tecnologia de comunicação em rede. As maneiras
In times when most governments scrambled and stumbled to take life-saving, effective and empathetic steps towards providing reliable and immediate health and
Ante la creciente centralización, privatización y uso no consentido de nuestra data personal en Internet, creemos fundamental comenzar a cuestionarnos la propiedad
The “Financing mechanisms for locally owned internet infrastructure” report analyses the operating models and financing mechanisms that can support the success of
As part of the Indigenous Connectivity Summit 2020 organized by ISOC, learn more about Community Networks through a Training Webinar series of
The purpose of this guide is to share the basics of installing a solar-powered HF radio station.
In this panel we will share experiences and reflections on integral capacity building processes for the creation and management of local solutions
El libro presenta un recorrido por la defensa del derecho a la comunicación por parte de las radios comunitarias y una propuesta
Este manual es parte de la iniciativa “Estrategias de apoyo lideradas por comunidades para abordar la brecha digital”, un proyecto implementado por
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