Community network (CN) initiatives have been around for roughly two decades, evangelizing a distinctly different paradigm for building, maintaining, and sharing network infrastructure but also defending the basic human right to Internet access. Over this time they have evolved into a mosaic of systems that vary widely with respect to their network technologies, their offered services, their organizational structure, and the way they position themselves in the overall telecommunications’ ecosystem. Common to all these highly differentiated initiatives is the sustainability challenge.


Micholia, P., Karaliopoulos, M., Koutsopoulos, I., Navarro, L., Baig, R., Boucas, Dimitris, Michalis, M. dan Antoniadis, P.

Tahun Diterbitkan


Negara / Wilayah fokus



Pengetahuan sebelumnya, tetapi tidak ada pengetahuan khusus yang diperlukan untuk memahaminya

Kata kunci

Jenis Jaringan

Jaringan Berbasis Komunitas

Jenis Lisensi

Tidak diketahui

Jenis Barang

​Document/Report ​


Bahasa Inggris

Mata Pelajaran Khusus - Sosial

Model Organisasi dan Bisnis

Mata Pelajaran Khusus - Teknis


Mata Pelajaran Khusus - Ekonomi

Akuntansi penganggaran dan penagihan

Subjek Khusus - Peraturan

Kerangka kerja hukum

Perspektif Gender

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