This paper delves into the intricate gender dynamics within Zenzeleni Networks in Mankosi, South Africa. It offers a fresh perspective on participation, examining who participates and how. Using a feminist framework, including social constructionist theory and intersectionality, it analyzes the multi-layered injustices that affect women\’s choices, agency, and ownership. Through interviews and discussions with local women and those associated with Zenzeleni Networks, the study reveals that gendered power dynamics persist within the community network. Despite women\’s crucial role in its operation, their contributions are often relegated to domestic responsibilities, leading to a lack of recognition and representation for their work.


Tigist Shewarega Hussen, Nicola J. Bidwell, Carlos Rey-Moreno, William D. Tucker

Tahun Diterbitkan


Negara / Wilayah fokus



Pengetahuan sebelumnya, tetapi tidak ada pengetahuan khusus yang diperlukan untuk memahaminya

Kata kunci

Jenis Jaringan

Jaringan Berbasis Komunitas

Jenis Lisensi

Hak cipta dipegang oleh pemilik/penulis

Jenis Barang



Bahasa Inggris

Mata Pelajaran Khusus - Sosial

Inklusi dan kepemimpinan gender

Mata Pelajaran Khusus - Teknis


Mata Pelajaran Khusus - Ekonomi

Keberlanjutan & Skalabilitas

Subjek Khusus - Peraturan


Perspektif Gender


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