Nearly half of the world population lacked access to the Internet in 2019, with most of these people living in the rural and remote areas of developing economies. Bridging the digital divide is a social and economic imperative considering that health, education, government and other services and applications rely on affordable, reliable and high-speed connectivity to serve communities around the world. The ITU Last-mile Connectivity Solutions Guide is designed to support governments in their role of regulating, funding and implementing universal access to connectivity. This guide provides ways of identifying the unconnected areas and selecting sustainable technical, financial and regulatory solutions to ensure affordability and accessibility to relevant connectivity services.


Serikat Telekomunikasi Internasional

Tahun Diterbitkan


Negara / Wilayah fokus



Membahas elemen-elemen dasar dari subjek, tidak diperlukan pengetahuan sebelumnya

Kata kunci

Jenis Jaringan

Jaringan Berbasis Komunitas

Jenis Lisensi

Lisensi Creative Commons Atribusi-NonKomersial-Berbagi Serupa 3.0 IGO (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO).

Jenis Barang



Bahasa Inggris

Mata Pelajaran Khusus - Sosial

Keterlibatan dan mobilisasi masyarakat

Mata Pelajaran Khusus - Teknis


Mata Pelajaran Khusus - Ekonomi


Subjek Khusus - Peraturan

Kebijakan dan peraturan global

Perspektif Gender


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