Popular internet platforms that currently mediate our everyday communications become more and more efficient in managing vast amounts of information, rendering their users more and more addicted and dependent on them. Alternative, more organic options like community networks do exist, and they can empower citizens to build their own local networks from the bottom up. This chapter explores such technological options together with the adoption of a healthier internet diet in the context of a wider vision of sustainable living in an energy-limited world.


Antoniadis, Panayotis

Tahun Diterbitkan


Negara / Wilayah fokus



Membahas elemen-elemen dasar dari subjek, tidak diperlukan pengetahuan sebelumnya

Kata kunci

Jenis Jaringan

Jaringan Berbasis Komunitas

Jenis Lisensi

Atribusi Creative Commons 4.0

Jenis Barang

​Document/Report ​


Bahasa Inggris

Mata Pelajaran Khusus - Sosial

​Governance and Organizational Development ​

Mata Pelajaran Khusus - Teknis

Perangkat Keras, Peralatan dan Infrastruktur

Mata Pelajaran Khusus - Ekonomi

Akuntansi penganggaran dan penagihan

Subjek Khusus - Peraturan


Perspektif Gender

Dapat diakses oleh orang dengan gangguan penglihatan atau pendengaran

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