Herbolaria, Partería y Cuidados
Este cuadernillo es un esfuerzo por recopilar una parte de la sabiduría p’urhépecha sobre herbolaria, parte-ría y saberes transmitidos por generaciones para
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Este cuadernillo es un esfuerzo por recopilar una parte de la sabiduría p’urhépecha sobre herbolaria, parte-ría y saberes transmitidos por generaciones para
Les presentamos este primer catálogo comunitario con los saberes compartidos para ayudar a nuestro pueblo a mantener la salud o recuperarla. Que
La comunidad de Santa María Nativitas Coatlán, pueblo mixe, ubicado al sureste del estado de Oaxaca cuenta con una extensa región de
Let’s Talk Community Networks is part of a global project that supports the development and growth of community networks, especially in developing
This is a management tool for community networks that identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It analyzes internal aspects, such as organizational
This document provides a comprehensive look at financial forecasting in the context of community networks and enterprises. The paper addresses the importance
This document addresses the sustainability of community networks in Kenya, highlighting the importance of innovative approaches to improve connectivity in underserved communities.
Social Entrepreneurship is a guide on how to start and sustain social enterprises, with a focus on community networks. This resource addresses
This resource is a practical guide to budgeting and budget management in businesses and organizations. It focuses on crucial components such as
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