Community network (CN) initiatives have been around for roughly two decades, evangelizing a distinctly different paradigm for building, maintaining, and sharing network infrastructure but also defending the basic human right to Internet access. Over this time they have evolved into a mosaic of systems that vary widely with respect to their network technologies, their offered services, their organizational structure, and the way they position themselves in the overall telecommunications’ ecosystem. Common to all these highly differentiated initiatives is the sustainability challenge.


Micholia, P., Karaliopoulos, M., Koutsopoulos, I., Navarro, L., Baig, R., Boucas, Dimitris, Michalis, M. and Antoniadis, P.

Year Published


Country / Region of focus



Previous, but no specialized, knowledge is required for its comprehension


Network Type

Community-Based Network

License Type


Item Type

​Document/Report ​



Specific Subject - Social

Organizational and Business Models

Specific Subject - Technical

​N/A ​

Specific Subject - Economic

Budgeting accounting and billing

Specific Subject - Regulatory

​Legal frameworks ​

Gender Perspective

Accesible to people with visual or hearing impairments

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