The “Electronic Communications Amendment Bill”, aims to fundamentally amend the Electronic Communications Act 2005. This bill proposes a number of amendments that address key areas in the field of electronic communications. It includes the creation of a new license category for electronic communications facilities services, the power of the Minister in charge of local government to establish a national rapid deployment regulation, spectrum sharing, the regulation of roaming and mobile virtual network services, as well as improvements to the facilities leasing framework and its pricing principles. In addition, it seeks to strengthen the regulation of competition in the sector, thus promoting the country’s socioeconomic progress in the digital era.


Parliament of the Republic of South Africa

Year Published


Country / Region of focus

South Africa


Presents information aimed to specialist or those who have extensive prior knowledge of the topic


Network Type

Community-Based Network

License Type

​Copyright held by the owner/author(s) ​

Item Type




Specific Subject - Social

​Governance and Organizational Development

Specific Subject - Technical


Specific Subject - Economic

Budgeting accounting and billing

Specific Subject - Regulatory

​Legal frameworks

Gender Perspective


Accesible to people with visual or hearing impairments


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