This manual is the result of one of the projects undertaken by the communities of practice (CoPs) supported by the Local Networks (LocNet) initiative. LocNet is a collective effort headed by Rhizomatica and the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) that works with partners in Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean. Its goal is to support the development of bottom-up approaches for the construction of communications infrastructures known as community networks (CNs).


Catarine A. D. Aquila (Portal Sem Porteiras), Daiane A. dos Santos (Casa dos meninos), Marcus Vinicius L. P. de Menezes (Portal Sem Porteiras), Natália Lobo (Sempreviva Organização Feminista) and Vanessa Monteiro de Lima (Portal Sem Porteiras)

Year Published


Country / Region of focus

South America


Addresses basic elements of the subject, no prior knowledge is required


Network Type

Wireless Network

License Type


Item Type

​Training Guide​



Specific Subject - Social

​Capacity Building and training ​

Specific Subject - Technical

Local content and services

Specific Subject - Economic


Specific Subject - Regulatory


Gender Perspective


Accesible to people with visual or hearing impairments


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