Network Infrastructures: The Commons Model for Local Participation, Governance and Sustainability

In this paper, the authors “describe a model to develop network infrastructure as common property, governed under the principles of common-pool resources. The model is based on the principles of cooperation instead of competition – because universal connectivity can only be achieved if everyone has the right to create their own connectivity.”


Navarro, Leandro

Year Published


Country / Region of focus



Addresses basic elements of the subject, no prior knowledge is required


Network Type

Community-Based Network

License Type

​CC BY 4.0 ​

Item Type

​Article/Blog ​



Specific Subject - Social

Organizational and Business Models

Specific Subject - Technical

​N/A ​

Specific Subject - Economic

Budgeting accounting and billing

Specific Subject - Regulatory

​Legal frameworks ​

Gender Perspective

Accesible to people with visual or hearing impairments

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