Community networks still face many challenges in areas such as regulations, funding, sustainability, and community engagement. So the road to building a community network itself has three major challenges: Introducing communities to the concept of community networks. Assessing whether a community will benefit from and be able to sustain a community network. Planning and building the network. This Readiness Assessment Handbook is designed to address the second and third challenges above: assessing community network readiness and planning and building the network. It is aimed at Africa-based practitioners and organizations who want to expand into community networks. The book also features an appendix with a directory of courses and resources useful at various stages of such assessment and planning—and what comes next. The readiness assessment is part of a larger process towards developing a community network. It starts from the already existing work (or background) of the team taking on this assessment and ends at a fully operational community network. This process is not necessarily linear. In some cases, certain stages may need to be repeated.


Sol Luca de Tena

Año de publicación





Aborda elementos básicos del tema, no se requieren conocimientos previos.

Tipo de red

Red instalada en la comunidad

Tipo de licencia


Tipo de artículo

Guía de Formación



Campos Específicos - Sociales

Planificación de Proyectos

Campos Específicos - Técnicos


Campos Específicos - Económicos


Campos Específicos - Regulatorios


Perspectiva de Género


Accesible para personas con discapacidad visual o auditiva


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