Global Information Society Watch 2018: Community Networks
This publication is one of the seminal resources on CNs, and a must-read. There are 8 thematic reports, followed by 43 country
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This publication is one of the seminal resources on CNs, and a must-read. There are 8 thematic reports, followed by 43 country
The paper analyses four key reasons, practical, social, political, and scientific, why such DIY networks (including CNs) should be considered as a
The Start Your Own ISP website has technical information useful for people and organizations that want to start a CN. It covers
This report provides an organizational framework for analysing CNs, then goes into depth understanding the History and Principles, Stakeholders, Implementation of the
This resource provides a useful comparison of several community networks, including their internal and external models, patterns, plans, and progress.
“The first part of this report encompasses four analyses defining CNs’ underlying structure and conceptual theory; exploring regulatory barriers; and bringing possible
The Altermundi website is an ever-growing compliation of resources and guides on community networking and the LibreRouter. There are sections on understanding
This is a highly technical guide for those that want to better understand and teach wireless standards, radio physics, wireless hardware and
This is one of the best resources out there for better understanding the technologies behind CNs, and the actual steps required for
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