The webinar “Building Smart Villages: A Blueprint” presented the joint publication of the Niger National Agency for the Information Society (ANSI) and ITU, entitled “Building Smart Villages: A Blueprint”. During this event, entitled “A Whole-of-Government Approach to Rural Digital Transformation”, several presentations were delivered, including “ICT Contribution to the Smart Villages Initiative” and “Implementing SDGs in Smart Villages”. The Smart Villages initiative is based on a comprehensive and collaborative approach to connect rural villages and improve the availability of essential social services. The webinar aimed to introduce participants to this approach, share the recommendations of the model and explore possibilities for expansion and scalability in different parts of the world. The possibility of establishing a “Smart Village Advisory Council” was also discussed.


International Telecommunication Union

Año de publicación





Para su comprensión se requieren conocimientos previos, pero no especializados.

Palabras clave

Tipo de red

Red instalada en la comunidad

Tipo de licencia

CC ​

Tipo de artículo




Campos Específicos - Sociales

Planificación de Proyectos

Campos Específicos - Técnicos

Contenidos y Servicios Locales

Campos Específicos - Económicos

Sostenibilidad y escalabilidad

Campos Específicos - Regulatorios

Política y Regulación Global

Perspectiva de Género


Accesible para personas con discapacidad visual o auditiva


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