This manual is an invitation to motivate and strengthen local and circular economies based on the recognition of community processes, resources and needs. The reader will find a path of 5 modules that will allow him/her to understand the relevance of traditional forms of exchanges and to find strategies to identify, value and optimize them through the use of digital technologies such as time banks. Through this manual we want to support with practical and methodological tools, the design and development of local networks of communication and exchanges that correspond to the needs, dreams, worldviews and dynamics of each community. The content is inspired by the experience of the project “Community Communication Networks for the Strengthening of Social Exchange” and the accompaniment provided by Colnodo and Turimetria in the year 2022 for the design, management and sustainability of the “Poliniza Network” in the municipality of La Macarena, Meta, in central eastern Colombia.


Dana Beltrán, Erika Téllez, Julián Latorre et Laura Sánchez (Colnodo) y Matías Escudero (Turimetria)

Année de publication


Pays / région concerné(e)

Sud mondial


Aborde les éléments de base du sujet, aucune connaissance préalable n'est requise.


Type de réseau

Réseau communautaire

Type de licence


Type d'article

Guide de formation



Sujet spécifique - Social

Modèles d'organisation et d'entreprise

Sujet spécifique - Technique

Contenu et services locaux

Sujet spécifique - Economie

Durabilité et évolutivité

Sujet spécifique - Réglementation


Perspective de genre


Accessible aux personnes souffrant de déficiences visuelles ou auditives


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